Hazelwood Integrated

Hazelwood Integrated

Primary and Nursery School

  1. Parents
  2. Admission Criteria

Admissions September 2025 for Nursery and P1


There will be an Open Admissions Information Evening on Tuesday 10th December at 630pm, followed by two Open Nursery afternoons on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th December from 1-2pm. There will be two Open P1 afternoons on 8th and 9th January 2025 from 1.15 - 2pm.  All are welcome at these events.

Please feel free to call the school 02890770421 or send an email hazelwoodips@gmail.com if you have any queries about the school or the admission process.

Please fill in a Pupil Information Form if you are interested in our school or Nursery.

The portal for online admissions for Nursery and P1 opens on Friday 10th January 12 noon and runs until 12 noon on Friday 24th January 2025.


If your child is starting Nursery or Primary School in September 2025, you can apply online between Friday 10th January 2025 12.00 noon until Friday 24th January 2025 at 12 noon. Further information is available on the EA website under the Admissions section at - https://www.eani.org.uk/parents/admissions 

Please go to the Education Authority website www.eani.org.uk/admissions to apply.

Access the criteria for Hazelwood IPS  Nursery and P1.

EA Preschool and Primary Admissions Social Media tool kit

Help sheet.

Please fill in a pupil information form see below to do it online (a criteria for applying to Hazelwood IPS).  This must be returned to school in person, by post or you may email it to hazelwoodips@gmail.com  

Benefit verification is required when a child's parent is in receipt of any of the following benefits listed below. 

How can I get my benefit verified if I am claiming socially disadvantaged circumstances?

When you apply online for a pre-school place in January 2025, within the Citizen Portal you will be asked if you are claiming socially disadvantaged circumstances and which of the benefits you are in receipt of as listed. 

If you are in receipt of Universal Credit (UC) then after you submit your online pre-school application form during January you will receive an email to guide you how to upload your current UC online statement showing you are in receipt of UC. 

If you are in receipt of Income Support or Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or an award of Income Support which has been converted into ESA and the level of benefit remains the same the Department for Communities (DfC) and the Education Authority (EA) have put in place arrangements for verifying your benefit. After you submit your online pre-school application form in January you will then receive an email communication to guide you to complete a benefit verification form which will be available at that time on this webpage. The EA will contact your first preference pre-school when DfC provide verification. We will ONLY contact you if DfC are unable to verify your application.


Applications must be submitted by 24.1.2025


Pupil Information Form

This form is a requirement when applying for a Nursery or P1 place in Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School. “The Board of Governors of an Integrated School must use its best endeavours, in exercising its functions under the Education orders and the Integrate Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2022., to ensure that the management, control and ethos of the school such as are likely to attract to the school reasonable numbers of both Protestant and Roman Catholic pupils and those of different cultures and religions and those of none. The collection and processing of information regarding the religious/perceived community background of children is necessary in order for the Board of Governors of an integrated school to carry out its statutory functions and fulfil its public task” EA PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL APPLICATION FORM. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY THE SCHOOL FOR THE PURPOSES OF PROCESSING MY APPLICATION.THE INFORMATION IS COVERED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 (AS AMENDED) AND GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS (GDPR). I CONFIRM THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE SCHOOL’S PRIVACY POLICY NOTICE WHICH IS ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE.