Hazelwood Integrated

Hazelwood Integrated

Primary and Nursery School

  1. Classes
  2. Primary 2
  3. PDMU



P2 first discussed mental health and how important it is to keep ourselves well. The children were fantastic at telling me solutions such as exercising, eating health food, talking about worries and more. Next the children used the PATHS  puppets to act out problems and solutions and relaxing and calming techniques. After that they listened to a story called the big bag of worries. They were super at asking and answering questions to find solutions and how they can help themselves or others. Then the children listened to background music on the Interactive whiteboard hole they relaxed and coloured eye masks. Afterwards they enjoyed a soothing cup of hot chocolate. Finally they completed their health and wellbeing day by first participating in Monkey Yoga and then by using their eye masks to chill and relax, listening to soothing sounds and instructions. What a absolute amazing day for the children and adults.

P2 children discussed all about the importance of compliments and then they set about creating a compliment for a peer, writing it on a leaf. The children’s topic is birds so they connected the leaves with birds. 

As part of anti-bullying month P2 talked about how we can show kindness to each other. We then made each other friendship bracelets and wrote compliments on them!