Woodlands and Firepit
P2 CM had a fantastic day by visiting the forest. The sun was out and the children were on a mission to find flowers. In pairs they used they searched for types of flowers and ticked them off as they went. The excitement was great and when back in class they discussed their findings.
Having fun on our autumn walk
The P2 children enjoyed carrying out adding sums in the wood. In pairs they independently used clip boards, paper, markers and natural materials to calculate the answers. The children explored and created their own sums correctly adding the plus and equal signs. They had fun participating in this numeracy activity.
P2 had great fun in the Forest using a clipboard displaying leaf types. They excitedly found leaves with familiar ‘house names.’ A super day.
P2 CM had a super day using our mathematical skills to order objects from smallest to largest. Afterwards we had fun playing.