P1 building Den’s for Nocturnal Animals in the woodland.
P1 shared the story of the Gruffalo in class. They then went up to the Woods where they worked with a partner to develop problem solving and co operative skills. They used natural resources from the woods to make their own Gruffalo. Didn’t they do well.
As part of Outdoor Learning Day P1 took their maths lesson to the woods. We have been learning about measuring in particular long and short. Children had to find sticks that were long and short and compare the two. We even had snow ☃️
P1 have been learning all about the numbers 0 and 1. We rook our numeracy work to the woodlands this week and practised making and writing the numbers with sticks and leaves.
P1 are learning about the different houses at Hazelwood. We learnt they are named after trees in our woodland. Today we went for a walk to identify the different trees and leaves.